Out of that... Oven?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My oven is out of commission. There's nothing wrong with my oven. There's something wrong with the gas that makes my oven go... it's not there. But, that's neither here nor there, the point is- who wants to cook in the middle of the summer. I already have window units running on overdrive throughout this house racking me up a 450.00 light bill. Sorry, did that just give you a stroke. I should have put a disclaimer before that sentence, kind of like they do for strobe lights. Warning: If you're weak at heart or easily shocked please just close your eyes until this sentence passes. Yep, that's one big bill, so I can't in good conscience crank up that oven to 400 degrees and heat up this house any more than it is. So, I have had to forgo baking yummy breads and desserts and just making simple recipes that usually get me through, like Chicken and Dumplings. Then my Granny gave me this :

The Rival Roaster. I cannot wait to try this. My grandmother never used it. Ever. It was still in the plastic. I've been researching recipes all over the internet to cook in this little beauty and I can't wait to pass them onto you. Apparently, anything you can cook in an oven can be cooked in this bad boy. Looks like I can bake brownies without baking us all in the process! I can't WAIT!


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